I. DBS Treasures Welcome Offers (New Customers)
II. Wealth Management Offers (Existing Customers)
I. DBS Treasures Welcome Offers (New Customers)
(Promotion period: 1 July 2024 to 30 September 2024)

1. Investment Product Take Up Reward:

New customer1 who meets the Basic Requirement2 and completes any one transaction in the Eligible Product Transaction Category within the Investment Reward Counting Period3 will be entitled to HK$500 cash reward:

Eligible Product Transaction Category

Securities / Investment Funds / Foreign Exchange


2. Investment Product Balance Reward:

New customer1 who meets the Basic Requirement2 and maintains the Designated Investment Product Balance as shown in the table below in his/her Wealth Management Accounts with the Bank on the last date of the Investment Reward Counting Period3, will be entitled up to HK$22,400 cash reward:

Designated Investment Assets

Designated Investment Product Balance

Cash Reward (HK$)

Equity Linked Products
(i.e. equity linked investments and/or equity linked notes)
Investment Funds, and Bonds

HK$200,000 – HK$500,000


HK$500,001 – HK$1,000,000


HK$1,000,001 – HK$3,000,000


HK$3,000,001 – HK$5,000,000HK$13,500
HK$5,000,001 or aboveHK$21,300


3. Wealth Management Accounts & Financial Needs Analysis Reward:

New customer1 who successfully joins DBS Treasures and applies for his/her Wealth Management Accounts and completes the Bank’s Financial Needs Analysis within the Counting Periodas stated in the table below, will be entitled to HK$300 cash reward:

Joining Date

Counting Period

1-30 July 2024

by 31 August 2024

1-31 August 2024

by 30 September 2024

1-30 September 2024

by 31 October 2024


4. Securities Transfer-in Offers4:

New customer1 who transfer in eligible Securities during Counting Period5 can enjoy the following Cash Reward:

Transfer-in Amount6 & Cash Reward

Max. Cash Reward

Securities Transfer-in Offer
HK$400 cash reward for every aggregate HK$200,000 (or equivalent) of Securities transfer-in from any other financial institution(s) (in scripless)

Up to HK$20,000




  1. "New Customer” means an individual customer with DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited who successfully completes the Personal Account Opening Form or submits the account opening application online via DBS digibank HK app or at the designated website link go.dbs.com/hk-daotc-en and successfully becomes a new DBS Treasures customer during the Promotion Period.
  2. “Basic Requirement” means New Customer is required to maintain monthly Total Relationship Balance in the amount of HK$1,000,000 or above (or its equivalent in foreign currency(ies)) for the applicable Funds Counting Period as set out in the table below (“Funds Counting Period”):

    Joining Date

    Funds Counting Period

    1-30 July 2024

    7th day of Joining Date – 30 September 2024

    1-31 August 2024

    7th day of Joining Date – 31 October 2024

    1-30 September 2024

    7th day of Joining Date – 30 November 2024

  3. Joining Date and Investment Reward Counting Period (as shown in the table below):

    Joining Date

    Investment Reward Counting Period

    1-30 July 2024

    July – September 2024

    1-31 August 2024

    August – October 2024

    1-30 September 2024

    September – November 2024

  4. Customer who had transferred out any Securities from 1 Jan 2024 to 30 Jun 2024 will not be eligible for this Offer. If Customer transfers out any Securities (in scrip or scripless) from the Bank on or before 31 Jan 2025, the Customer will not be entitled to any cash reward under the Securities Transfer-in Offers.
  5. New Customer must successfully submit the transfer-in application to the Bank and complete the relevant transfer-in during the applicable Counting Period as set out in the table below:

    Joining Date

    Counting Period

    1-30 July 2024

    July – September 2024

    1-31 August 2024

    August – October 2024

    1-30 September 2024

    September – November 2024

  6. To calculate the amount of eligible Securities transferred into the Bank, the Bank will convert all transactions to Hong Kong Dollars at the Bank’s determined exchange rate. The transfer-in amount of eligible Securities will be calculated based on the marked-to-market value on the last trade day of the month in which the transaction is executed. The calculation decision of the Bank is final.

I. DBS Treasures Welcome Offer (New Customers)

What kinds of transactions and customers are eligible to Investment Product Take Up Reward?


Eligible Transaction

Eligible Customers


Buy or sell transaction of securities in a single transaction amount of HK$10,000 or above (or equivalent) via WMA

Customer who successfully completes the Personal Account Opening Form or submits the account opening application online via DBS digibank HK app or at the designated website link go.dbs.com/hk-daotc-en and successfully becomes a new DBS Treasures customer during the Promotion Period.

Investment Funds

Lump sum subscription or switching (only for transaction with minimum subscription fee of 1.2% or switching fee of 1%) of Investment Funds in a single transaction amount of HK$10,000 or above (or equivalent) via WMA

Foreign Exchange (“FX”)

FX transactions (excluding USD to HKD exchange transactions and vice versa) in a single transaction amount of HK$200,000 or above (or equivalent) via WMA

What kinds of transfer-in are eligible to the Transfer-in Offer?


Eligible Transfer-in

Important Notes


Securities transfer-in from any other financial institution(s) (in scripless) to DBS

Customer who had transferred out any Securities i) from 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024 or ii) before 31 January 2025 will not be eligible for this Offer

When will the reward be credited to the customer’s account?

1. Investment Product Take Up Reward, Investment Product Balance Reward & Financial Needs Analysis Reward:
All cash rewards will be credited to the New Customer’s HKD current account1 by the corresponding Fulfilment Date as set out in the table:

Joining Date

Fulfilment Date

1-30 July 2024

On or before 30 November 2024

1-31 August 2024

On or before 31 December 2024

1-30 September 2024

On or before 31 January 2025

2. Securities Transfer-in Offer:
All cash rewards will be credited to the New Customer’s HKD current account1 with the Bank on or before 31 January 2025.


  1. If the Customer does not have any HKD current account with the Bank at the time the cash reward is given, cash reward will be credited to the Customer’s HKD savings account with the Bank or such other account as the Bank deems appropriate.

II. Wealth Management Offers (Existing Customers)

What kinds of transactions and customers are eligible to Investment Transaction Offers?


Eligible Transaction

Eligible Customers

Equity Linked Products (“ELP”)

Subscription of ELP

Customers with no subscription of ELP during 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024


Buy or sell Bonds (excluding any initial public offering)

Customers with no buy or sell order of Bonds (excluding any initial public offering) during 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024

Investment Funds

Lump sum subscription or switching (only for transaction with minimum subscription fee of 1.2% or switching fee of 1%) of Investment Funds and/or initial investment of Investment Funds Savings Plan and subsequent monthly investment during the Promotion Period (excluding the Investment Funds Savings Plan performed via DBS iBanking)

Customers with no lump sum subscription or switching of Investment Funds during 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024

Paper Gold

Conduct Paper Gold transaction (Buy or sell Paper Gold)

Customers with no buy or sell order of Paper Gold during 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024
What kinds of transfer-in are eligible to the Transfer-in Offer?


Eligible Transfer-in

Important Notes

Investment Fund

Investment Funds transfers in from any other financial institution(s) to DBS

Customer who had transferred out any Investment Funds i) from 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024 or ii) before 31 January 2025 will not be eligible for this Offer


Securities transfer-in from any other financial institution(s) (in scripless) to DBS

Customer who had transferred out any Securities i) from 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024 or ii) before 31 January 2025 will not be eligible for this Offer


Bonds transfers in from any other financial institution(s) to DBS

Customer who had transferred out any Bonds i) from 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024 or ii) before 31 January 2025 will not be eligible for this Offer

When will the reward be credited to the customer’s account?

All cash rewards will be credited to the New Customer’s HKD current account1 with the Bank on or before 31 January 2025.


  1. If the Customer does not have any HKD current account with the Bank at the time the cash reward is given, cash reward will be credited to the Customer’s HKD savings account with the Bank or such other account as the Bank deems appropriate.

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