Video Training

Effective from 4 September 2011, customers are required to possess general knowledge about derivatives before they can purchase any derivative products. You can watch the video below to acquire general knowledge of derivatives.

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The video has been produced by the Hong Kong Association of Banks (“HKAB”). All intellectual property rights in and to the video are owned by HKAB. Any copying, recording or distribution of the contents of the video is strictly prohibited, except with DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (“DBS”) and HKAB’s prior consent.

The video has been created for general information purposes only, without taking into account any person’s investment objectives or needs, financial situation, risk profile or investment experience. The information contained in the video is not investment advice nor does it constitute any offer or solicitation to enter into any investment arrangement. Investment involves risks. You should note that value of investments can go down as well as up and past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. The video does not and is not intended to identify all the risks (direct or in direct), the merits or any other material consideration which may be associated with a particular type of derivative transaction. You should read and fully understand all the offering documents relating to such products or investments and all the risk disclosure statements and risk warnings therein before making any investment decisions.

The video does not, and is not designed to, satisfy any particular regulatory requirements in any jurisdiction in relation to investor education or otherwise. The video has not been reviewed by any regulatory authorities in any jurisdiction.

No content of the video (except the “Important Notice” at the beginning of the video) is prepared or contributed by DBS. While DBS and HKAB have endeavoured to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information contained in the video, we do not guarantee its accuracy, completeness, reliability or fitness for any purpose.  You should not rely on the contents of the video, but should make and rely on your own assessment and evaluation and undertake your own investigations and inquiries and seek all necessary independent advice. 

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, DBS, DBS’s affiliates, HKAB and each of our/its (as the case may be) employees, agents and/or representatives expressly disclaim all or any liability (whether in tort or contract or otherwise) for any loss, damage, costs or expenses of any nature arising from or in connection with:

  • the contents of or omissions from the video, including any express or implied representations, statements or conclusions;
  • the provision to, or use by, any person of the video or any part of it;
  • the preparation of the information contained in the video; and
  • any person relying on, disclosing or using any information or statement contained in or connected with the video.

If the liability of DBS, DBS’s affiliates, HKAB and each of our/its (as the case may be) employees, agents and/or representatives in relation to any matter relating to or arising in connection with the video is capable of limitation (but not indemnification or exclusion), it is hereby limited to the maximum extent that is permitted by law.

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