Leveraging on fintech and data integration, DBS and Manulife proudly bring to you the new Insurance Account Summary which enables you to view and monitor your insurance plans at a glance. If you hold a Manulife policy purchased from DBS, you can now manage your wealth and insurance portfolios via DBS iBanking or DBS digibank HK with just a few taps anytime, anywhere*.

* Remarks: Only in-force Manulife insurance policies purchased via DBS will be displayed on your Insurance Account Summary; you will not be able to view policies that have been assigned to a third-party. Policies under your non-individual account or insured with non-HKID might not be displayed. For more information, please refer to the FAQ section below or visit here.


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DBS digibank HK


Frequently Asked Questions

What policies can be viewed on my Insurance Account Summary?
Only policies issued and underwritten by Manulife (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) (“Manulife”) of which you are the policyowner/ policyholder with the policy status being in-force will be displayed on the Insurance Account Summary via DBS iBanking and DBS digibank HK. Policies that have been assigned to a third party will not be displayed. If a request for changing the servicing agent to a non-DBS representative has been made, your policy details will not be updated on the Insurance Account Summary moving forward as DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the “Bank”) will no longer have access to your updated policy information once the change has been effected.
Why are Manulife policies under my other accounts not displayed on my Insurance Account Summary?

Customers who have purchased their Manulife policies with HKID as an individual account owner can view their policies on the Insurance Account Summary via DBS iBanking and DBS digibank HK.

For other types of account owners (eg. joint owners) or customers holding other document types (eg. passports), your Manulife policies might not be displayed.

Why do the policy details displayed on the Insurance Account Summary differ from those on my paper statement?

Details of insurance policies and riders displayed on the Insurance Account Summary via DBS iBanking and DBS digibank HK are provided by Manulife for reference only. There may be inconsistency between the Insurance Account Summary and your consolidated statement due to the time of data extraction. The premium amount displayed on your account summary post login and "View Insurance Summary" will become ‘0’ when all premium of your policy has been due and paid. DBS shall assume no responsibility/ liability for any such inconsistency or discrepancy. For enquiry, please contact Manulife Customer Service Hotline at +852 2510 3383.

For other enquiries, please visit here.


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