The investing world has found no shortage of uncertainties in recent times. In an age of volatility, it is natural for investors to seek the safety of cash. However, with inflation at its highest in decades, it is difficult to imagine that cash deposits would register positive real returns over the longer run.

Investment Grade Bonds have kept pace with inflation. In fixed income investing, a highly diversified portfolio of bond issuers gives the benefit of yield while mitigating single credit risk exposure.

With exposure to highly liquid bond holdings, the Liquid+ Strategy offers the flexibility for investors to make redemptions daily and receive proceeds in a matter of days.

The Liquid+ Strategy taps on the expertise of the DBS Chief Investment Office and its team of experienced investment professionals.
What is the Liquid+ Strategy?
It is a pure fixed income strategy that aims to provide cash+ returns.
Learn more about this strategy from CIO Perspectives.
If you would like to get more information on the Liquid+ Strategy, feel free to contact your Relationship Manager for assistance or make an appointment by clicking HERE.
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