General enquiries of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect

You may find the general enquiries of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect here.

What is Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect?

The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (SEHK), a wholly-owned subsidiary of HKEx, and Shanghai Stock Exchange established mutual order-routing connectivity and related technical infrastructure to enable investors of their respective market to trade designated equity securities listed in the other's market. For more details, please refer to

Where can I trade Stock Connect?

To place order for Stock Connect securities, please call our Customer Services Hotline at 2290 8888.

Why I cannot find Stock Connect securities in order status and transaction history?

Currently only stocks that are listed on the HKEx will be shown in DBS iBanking and DBS digibank HK. For information on Stock Connect related securities, please call our Customer Services Hotline at 2290 8888.

Is the settlement arrangement for Stock Connect different from existing trading stocks in HKEx?

Yes. Under Shanghai Hong Kong Stock Connect, the stock settlement date (i.e. T+0) and the cash settlement date (i.e. T+1) do not fall on the same day. For details, please refer to

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