Help & Support
General Help
General Help
Fees and Charges
Account updates
Branch and ATM
Opt-out Marketing Material
What is FATCA?
FATCA stands for the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.
Bank service fees and charges
You can view our service fees and charges of bank account, credit card and cashline account for reference.
Update new correspondence address for my bank account
You can update your correspondence address for your bank account through DBS iBanking or application form.
Update new email address for my bank account
You can update your email address for your bank account through DBS iBanking or application form.
Update new mobile number for my bank account
You can update your mobile number for your bank account through DBS iBanking or application form.
How to personalize account nickname?
You may personalize your account nickname through DBS iBanking for your easy reference
Find your nearest branch around you
You can find your nearest branch around you through our map.
Find your nearest cash deposit machine around you
You can find your nearest cash deposit machine around you through our map.
How to link up your bank account to your credit card for ATM use?
You can link up your bank account to your credit card for the access at ATM
How to opt-in or opt-out DBS direct marketing promotions, materials or messages?
If you do or do not wish DBS to use your personal data in direct marketing / you do not wish to receive any direct marketing materials or messages from the Bank, you may submit your request through the various channels.