The Digital Token is introduced to provide a secure way of performing transactions which require a higher level of authentication.

You can conduct transactions on DBS iBanking, or DBS digibank HK such as adding a payee, paying bills, updating personal details and much more without the need of carrying a physical Secure Device.

Enhance your Digital Banking experience!

Digital Token - Always on hand, no more waiting

Always on hand, no more waiting

You are no longer required to carry your Secure Device or wait for SMS OTP. All you need is to use your mobile phone to authenticate your transactions in a safe and convenient method.

Digital Token - An extra layer of security

An extra layer of security

Once your Digital Token is activated, enhanced encryption can protect you against malware targeting mobile applications, with multi-layered protection when you log in. The Digital Token allows you to bank and trade safely, wherever you are.

Digital Token - Authenticate your high-risk transactions

Authenticate your high-risk transactions

Your Digital Token can authenticate every high-risk transaction conducted on both internet and mobile banking.+

Digital Token - Secure PIN in offline mode

Secure PIN in offline mode

If you are not covered by mobile data or WiFi networks, you can generate a Secure PIN manually from your Digital Token.*

+High-risk transactions include but are not limited to adding a payee, transferring funds to non-registered payees and updating your personal particulars.

*Please note that conducting high-risk transactions requires internet access using your mobile device to authenticate with Digital Token.


How to set up your Digital Token

Step 1: Download and log in to DBS digibank HK

Download DBS digibank HK

Download DBS digibank HK with APK file,  please click here.

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Step 2: Follow the steps on the screen to set up your Digital Token

1. Tap ‘More’ and select ‘Manage Digital Token’

2. Click ‘Set Up Now’

3. Enter the 6-digit email OTP sent to your registered email address

4. Enter the 6-digit SMS OTP sent to your registered mobile number.

Digital Token - I have an existing physical Secure Device

I have an existing physical Secure Device

1. Press and hold  until you see a dash on the screen

2. Enter the 6-digit code sent to you via SMS on the physical Secure Device

3. Press  to generate a Secure PIN and enter the Secure PIN into your mobile device

Digital Token - I have an existing physical Secure Device

I do not have a physical Secure Device or registered email address

1. Enter the registration code sent to your mailing address

2. And enter the 6-digit SMS OTP sent to your registered mobile number

Digital Token - I do not have a physical Secure Device or registered email address


How to use for Internet Banking

One Tap to Approve

For all internet transactions, simply launch the mobile banking app and tap “Digital Token” to authenticate transactions with your Digital Token.

Digital Token - For Internet Banking


Manual Authentication

If you are not covered by mobile data or WiFi networks, manually generate a 6-digit Secure PIN with your Digital Token to authenticate certain internet transactions that require a higher level of authentication by selecting "Digital Token" from DBS digibank HK app before logging in.

Digital Token - Manual Authentication

How to manage my Digital Token

If you have registered your Digital Token, you may view the details such as the device name, model and Digital Token setup date, or deactivate it by selecting “More” > “Manage Digital Token” after loggin in your mobile banking app.

This function is also available in DBS iBanking by selecting “Request” > “Manage Digital Token”.

Digital Token - Manage my Digital Token


When to use

Transaction Types  
General Services Login to DBS iBanking or digibank
Banking Services Funds Transfer to Registered 3rd Party Account
  • Increase Registered 3rd Party Account Daily Transfer Limit
  • Accumulated Transfer Amount ≥ HKD150,000
Funds Transfer to Non-Registered 3rd Party Account
  • Add New Recipient
  • Increase Non-Registered 3rd Party Account Daily Transfer Limit
  • Transfer Any Amount to Non-Registered 3rd Party Account
Funds Transfer to Overseas Account and DBS Remit
  • Add New Overseas Recipient
  • Increase Overseas Transfer Daily Limit
  • Accumulated Overseas Transfer Amount ≥ HKD150,000
Set up Standing Instructions

PayFast, eLaisee and Scan & Pay Daily Limit Activation

  • Increase PayFast, eLaisee and Scan & Pay Daily Limit
Payment Services Bill Payment for Selected Merchant Categories*
(Registered payees)
  • Accumulated Payment Amount to Selected Merchants ≥ HKD150,000
Bill Payment for Selected Merchant Categories*
(Non-registered payees)
Set up Direct Debit Authorisation
Add New Bill Payee
Investment Services Securities Trading
  • View / Trade Investment Fund
  • View Order Status
  • Enquire Transaction History
  • Subscribe / Redeem / Switch Investment Fund
eIPO Shares Subscription
ATM Card Services Reset ATM Card PIN
Replace ATM Card
eStatement / eAdvice eStatement / eAdvice Change
Customer Services Update Personal Details
Increase DBS iBanking and Mobile Banking Daily Transfer Limit
Change Security Setting
Alert Services Setup / Amend / Delete My Alerts
Update My Alert Contact

*Selected merchant categories include Banking and Credit Card Services, Credit Services, Securities Broker, and The Hong Kong Jockey Club.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Digital Token?

The Digital Token is a security enhancement, which enables you to use your mobile phone to authenticate all your bank transactions, both online and on your Mobile.

Do I still need my physical Secure Device?

Yes, if you have a physical Secure Device, please keep it securely for backup, such as a login password reset.

How is the Digital Token safer?

The Digital Token increases the security of your DBS digibank HK app with enhanced encryption security and multi-layered protection against malware targeting mobile applications.

What do I have to do if I changed my SIM card on mobile device?

Since your Digital Token is linked with your mobile device instead of your SIM card, no special arrangement is needed after you have changed the SIM card or mobile phone number on your device with your registered Digital Token.

If you have changed your mobile phone number, please update bank records via DBS iBanking. Your Digital Token or physical Secure Device is required when updating personal information.

Why should I provide an email address to set up my Digital Token?

For account security purposes, an email OTP will be sent to your email address when you conduct first-time high-risk transaction (e.g. add a payee).

What can I do if I cannot set up or log in with my Digital Token?

The Digital Token works on any mobile device with iOS 11.0 or higher (for Apple iOS Devices) or v6 or higher (for Android Devices).

If the Digital Token is not supported on your mobile device, DBS digibank HK app will not display any messages about your Digital Token. Please request a physical Secure Device via DBS iBanking.

For your account security, we suggest you use the latest versions of the operating system, applications and browser.

What if I lose my mobile device?

Your DBS digibank HK app is accessible only with your username and password, or biometrics. If you have lost your mobile device, simply:

Log in to DBS digibank HK app and perform the one-time setup on your new mobile device. Upon setting up your token on a new mobile device, the Digital Token will be automatically disabled on your lost device.

You may also log in to DBS iBanking to deactivate your registered Digital Token.

Alternatively, you may reach out to our 24-Hour Customer Service Hotline on 2290 8888 to disable your Digital Token immediately.

What is a high-risk transaction?

High-risk transactions include but are not limited to adding a payee, funds transfer to non-registered payee, and updating your personal particulars.

I have more than one mobile device. Can I enable the Digital Token on multiple devices?

No. For account security purposes, you are only allowed to set up your Digital Token on one mobile device.

Why do I need to key in my DBS iBanking password when performing high-risk transactions in DBS digibank HK app?

For your security, if you have logged in using biometrics, your DBS iBanking password is required as an additional form of authentication for high-risk transactions.

As good practice, you are advised to remove all other stored fingerprints on your mobile device as these can be used to access your mobile banking app.

Why am I not prompted to authenticate with my mobile device when transacting with internet banking?

To ensure you receive timely push notifications each time you transact on internet banking, please enable push notifications in your settings and ensure your mobile device has good network connectivity.

If you do not receive any push notifications, you may simply launch your mobile banking app and there will be screen prompts to guide you to your pending authentications.

If the issue of not prompting any authentication message persists, you may select "Digital Token" from DBS digibank HK app before logging in or restart the application and try again.

Can I still authenticate my internet banking transactions if I turn off push notifications?

Yes, simply launch your DBS digibank HK app and there will be on screen prompts to guide you to your pending authentications.

If the issue of not prompting any authentication message persists, you may select "Digital Token" from DBS digibank HK before logging in or restart the application and try again.

How do I enable push notifications on my mobile device?

You can enable push notifications by following steps:

Login to DBS digibank HK → Go to “More” → Select “Research & Marketing Setting” → Turn on “Push Notifications”

Can I continue to use physical Secure Device if I chose not to set up Digital Token?

You can still use your Secure Device to authenticate the transactions conducted on internet and mobile banking.

If I have lost my physical Secure Device, do I need to request for a replacement to set up my Digital Token?

A Secure Device is not necessary to set up your Digital Token. You may set up your Digital Token by receiving a One Time Password from your email and SMS.

If you have lost your Secure Device, please reach out to our 24-Hour Customer Service Hotline on 2290 8888 to disable your Secure Device.

If I chose to opt out from Digital Token setup reminder, can I set it up a later time?

By opting out of Digital Token, you will not be able to perform designated internet and mobile banking transactions.

But you can set this up later by logging in to DBS digibank HK app and selecting "More" > "Manage Digital Token" anytime.

Do I need to keep DBS digibank HK app up to date?

The Digital Token works on any mobile device with iOS 11.0 or higher (for Apple iOS Devices) or Android 6.0 or higher (for Android Devices).

For your account security, we suggest you use the latest versions of the operating system, applications and browser.

If I would like to update my email address after Digital Token set up, what should I do?

With your Digital Token, you may update your email address in “Update Personal Details” via DBS iBanking.

However, you will need to verify this once with the additional One Time Password sent to your current email address for your first-time high-risk transaction with your Digital Token.

Why can’t I make certain transactions after setting up the Digital Token?
To protect you from fraud and scams, we have implemented a 12-hour cooling period upon your completion of Digital Token setup as a security control. During this 12-hour cooling period, you are unable to execute certain transactions (such as funds transfer to non-registered payee, payee setup and limit increase).
Is Digital Token still safe?
Yes, the Digital Token is built with global security standards as part of our multi-layered authentication (e.g. phone lock, username and password) to give you peace of mind.
What are the additional protections in higher risk scenarios?
As part of our multi-layered defense against fraud, we use secure technology and protocols to ensure our customers’ information and money are safe, whenever they bank online. For example, DBS employs multi-factor authentication whenever customers perform online transactions.

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