Opening the doors to overseas stock markets – deep diving into the US, the UK and Australia
21 Oct 2021

Opening the doors to overseas stock markets – deep diving into the US, the UK and AU

Foreign investments let you diversify your portfolio through a variety of assets including stocks, bonds, and cash equivalents. It allows the investor a broader investment credit base, access to a bigger and more diverse market, and liquidity. It also helps them take advantage of the currency exchange rate between the home country and the foreign country. Something that you can definitely take advantage of when trading in stronger markets such as the US, the UK and Australia. Look closer to gauge how they can improve your capital gains beyond what's possible in the Hong Kong Stock Exchanges.

US - connecting a world of opportunity


*NYSE and NASDAQ market capitalisation as of November 2021, according to Trading Hours
**Performance of US Stock Market over the last five years, as of November 2021 and according to Trading Economics


Which sectors in the US have been delivering higher returns?

While the markets did plummet at the onset of the pandemic, they’ve not only recovered but also covered so much more ground since. The US stock market recovery has been underscored by a forward-looking approach and it has been one of the best-performing markets. Growth has come particularly from tech stocks as firms like Tesla, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Alphabet and Microsoft continue to rake in a significant share of revenues from outside the US.



UK – signalling confidence from attractive valuation


*London Stock Exchange market capitalisation as of November 2021, according to Trading Hours
**Performance of UK Stock Market over the last five years, as of November 2021 and according to Trading Economics

What makes LSE the centre of international finance?

The LSE provides a bridge between North America and Asia and thus, connects companies and investors around the world. It is the most international of exchanges with companies from more than 60 countries listed along with being one of the oldest stock exchanges and the largest in Europe. The LSE boasts a diverse range of market participants, a larger percentage of which are FTSE 100 companies3. Thus providing a deep pool of international capital in the world. Additionally, LSE implements resilient market technology and offers world-class market surveillance and security. The exchange further enables diversification and security to investors through 1000+ exchange traded funds (ETFs) and exchange traded products (ETPs).


Australia – unlocking market efficiency


*ASX market capitalisation as of November 2021, according to Trading Hours
**Performance of Australia Stock Market over the last five years, as of November 2021 and according to Trading Economics


How the ASX became one of the biggest players in the market?

ASX's origin dates back to the 1980s when it was known as the national exchange. The current exchange however came into existence owing to the merger of Sydney Futures Exchange and the Australian Stock Exchange, which later launched a new group structure and named it the ASX Group. It operates in the bonds, equity, financial development, foreign exchange and funds markets, but is mostly known for its successes in the derivatives market. The ASX today is also among the top stock exchanges around the world and like them, facilitates electronic trading.


Market rules: The simple summary

Your overseas investments can be impacted by global, regional and country-level macroeconomic factors and sectoral and company performance. Stay in the know about the market trends that can affect your investments on the NYSE and NASDAQ, the LSE and ASX with regular updates from CIO insights. Catch up with your relationship manager regularly to discuss your investment portfolio.

New to DBS? Open your account and connect with an investment advisor who will walk you through the investment opportunities in overseas stock markets.

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Discover more opportunities offered by the stock markets in Canada, Japan and Singapore to strengthen your overseas investment outlook!

1 Large-cap companies are usually industry and sector leaders that are well-established and have a significant market share. They are less volatile in comparison to mid-cap and small-cap stocks.
2 How to get a globally diversified portfolio with just one ETF sourced from JUST ETF.
3 FTSE 100 is a share index of the 100 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange that have the highest market capitalisation.
4 What is the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)?' sourced from Corporate Finance Institute.


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