Enter stock code in Stock Search.
You can see Details and Intraday Chart of the stock.
To trade, enter stock code.

Here you can save up to 5 Watchlists.
Each Watchlist allows you to choose as many as 20 stocks.
Choose the Watchlist you want to see here.
Each Watchlist allows you to choose as many as 20 stocks.
Choose the Watchlist you want to see here.

An “Edit Watchlist” window will pop up.
Select the Watchlist you want to edit.
You can re-name your list.
To add a stock to the list, simply input the stock code or its name.
To remove a stock from the list, select it and click “Remove”.
You can also re-arrange the order of the list with the “Up” and “Down” buttons.
When you finish, click “Save Changes”.

Select the feature you want:
Select the feature you want:
• Volume (Shr)
• % Gainer
• % Loser
• $ Gainer
• $ Loser
• Warrants Volume
• Warrants % Gainer
• Warrants % Loser
• Warrants $ Gainer
• Warrants $ Loser
• Volume (Shr)
• % Gainer
• % Loser
• $ Gainer
• $ Loser
• Warrants Volume
• Warrants % Gainer
• Warrants % Loser
• Warrants $ Gainer
• Warrants $ Loser