Multi-Asset Weekly: Markets Buoyed by Government Support and Strong Earnings
Equities: US equities rally amid mixed economic signals
投資總監辦公室27 May 2024
  • Equities: US equities rose to record highs despite mixed economic signals, driven mainly by tech’s outstanding performance
  • Credit: While private sector strength contributed to tighter spreads, lower corporate issuances also contributed to more technically supportive picture. We still prefer high quality credit
  • FX: US and Australia inflation data to decide if AUD/USD returns higher towards 0.67 or corrects lower below 0.66; EUR/USD to find support around 1.08, near its 100-day moving average
  • Rates: DM rates are rethinking the pace of rate cuts; Market is now calibrating for a milder cut cycle for ECB and BOE
  • The Week Ahead: Keep a lookout for US Change in Initial Jobless Claims; Japan Industrial Production Number
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Amid uneven signals, US equities rise. A slew of economic indicators released this week painted a mixed picture for the economy. On the positive side, composite PMI for May came in at 54.4, surpassing consensus of 51.1, indicating solid growth. Durable goods orders also exceeded expectations, rising 0.7% in April compared to a consensus of -0.8%. Initial jobless claims for the week of 18 May were lower than expected at 215k vs the 220k consensus. However, core personal consumption expenditure (PCE) price index, the US Federal Reserve's (Fed) preferred inflation gauge, came in higher than anticipated at 2.8%, compared to forecast of 2.6%, marking the first time in a year it has exceeded expectations and raising concerns about potential rate cuts.

Despite these mixed signals, the markets remained resilient and continued their upward momentum. Both the S&P 500 and NASDAQ reached record highs this week as tech giant NVIDIA announced a blowout first-quarter earnings, along with a 10-to-1 stock split. Technology remains one of the best performing sectors, with the artificial intelligence (AI) theme, particularly NVIDIA, propelling much of the market's momentum. Over the past 12 months, NVIDIA's earnings growth has significantly impacted the S&P 500, contributing to c.37% of its earnings-per-share gains.

Topic in focus: Europe equities – Beneficiary of a broadening rally. The broadening rally we anticipated in 2Q benefitted European equities; optimism is building that the worst may be over for Europe. This improved sentiment has translated into increased investor confidence, leading to higher demand for European stocks, especially originating from grossly underweight positions in Europe among global investors. The Eurozone economy was underperforming the US for much of the past two years and worries of a recession were looming. Despite concerns over the economy, the Stoxx 600 has held up this year, with a gain of 12% year to date, vs a 6.3% rise for the S&P 500.

European equities often trade at a discount to US equities across all sectors. Their value proposition stands out when investor preference shifts from growth stocks to value stocks, against a backdrop of economic recovery and cyclicality. As the rally broadens, international investors seeking to capitalise on positive market trends may increase their exposure to European equities. This influx of capital supports higher stock prices in European markets. Additionally, European companies with strong fundamentals and growth prospects will become more attractive to global investors. We prefer structural winners in the luxury, tech, and healthcare sectors.

Figure 1: Value shift should benefit Europe

Source: LSEG, DBS

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