
Beware of the latest phishing scams
Fraud and scams are on the rise! Scammers are sending SMS or social media messages purportedly from DBS. Those messages may contain a link to a fake website that asks for your company information^. You can easily avoid those traps!
^ Company information includes bank account details, internet banking or mobile banking login credentials, One-Time Passwords (OTP), and more.
Examples of phishing scams
 Beware of any social media pages that request company information.
 Be reminded that the communication from DBS would not contain any hyperlinks to log in to online banking services or provide company information.
 Be vigilant when you receive an SMS or message on social media, never click a suspicious link or reply to a suspicious message.
 If approached by DBS staff in person or over the phone, be reminded to verify the staff’s information to ensure the authenticity of his/her identity. Also, be reminded that cash transaction with DBS must be handled by our staff over teller counters at branches.
 NEVER give your company information, especially your internet or mobile banking credentials, and One Time Passwords (OTP), to any untrusted contact or website.
 Ensure you are visiting a legitimate and trustworthy website before you enter any company information, or passwords (either manually or through autofill).
 Review your transaction notifications (including emails and SMS) and statements from DBS.
 By directly entering the merchant’s website address or downloading official apps from official channels.
 To carefully verify the identity of the sender when receiving instant electronic messages from any merchants requesting for company or login information.
 Contact us immediately when you notice any suspicious transactions on your DBS business accounts.

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DBS Bank Ltd., Hong Kong Branch (Incorporated in Singapore with Limited Liability 於星加坡註冊成立的有限公司), 2290 8098, [email protected]