Organisers 主催者:

Partners 協力:

Connecting Japanese GPs with Global Investors:
Exploring Today's Investment Schemes and
Tomorrow's Opportunities


Join us for an insightful seminar focused on Japan's rapidly evolving private equity and venture capital (PEVC) landscape. As we look ahead to 2025, industry experts will explore key regulatory changes, market trends, and their impact on fund raising strategies and tax obligations. Topics include the future of Japan's PEVC market, recent revisions to Japan’s Limited Partnership Scheme (LPS), updates on Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) declaration requirements for Cayman vehicles, structuring strategies to attract foreign investors, collaboration with overseas GPs, and business transitions with a focus on global markets. This seminar is essential for GPs and investors looking to navigate the increasingly complex regulatory environment and global market needs, and to seize new opportunities in PEVC sector both in Japan and abroad.



Event Date: 3 October 2024 (Thursday)

Event Time: Registration: 13.30 – 14.00
                       Event: 14.00 – 17.30

時間:受付:13.30 – 14.00
          セミナー:14.00 – 17.30

Venue: Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan*
             * Full Address will be shown in the confirmation email

会場: 東京都千代田区丸の内* 

Language: English & Japanese (Simultaneous translation will not be provided)
言語:英語および日本語  (同時通訳の提供はございません)


13.30 – 14.00


14.00 – 14.10

Opening Remarks

Tomoko Oyama, 大山智子氏 (一般社団法人東京国際金融機構(略称

14.10 – 14.25

Japan PEVC Market Outlook for 2025 and Beyond ​

Jim Verbeeten, Bain & Company Japan, Inc.
ジム・ヴェルべーテン氏 (ベイン・アンド・カンパニー・ジャパン・インコーポレイテッド)
Azusa Owa, Bain & Company Japan, Inc.
大和 梓氏(ベイン・アンド・カンパニー・ジャパン・インコーポレイテッド)

14.25 – 14.40

Japan’s Limited Partnership Scheme (LPS) and Related Regulatory Amendments

Mao Muraguchi, White & Case LLP 
Sayako Shiraki, White & Case LLP

14.40 – 14.55

Updates on UBO Declaration Requirements for Cayman Vehicles

Yucheng Fan, Harneys 范 宇晟氏(Harneys)

14.55 – 15.10

Coffee Break

15.10 – 15.50

Panel  パネルディスカッション:
Navigating the Latest Regulatory Changes and Taxation in the Fund Industry, and Expanding into Overseas Market

  • Impact of regulatory shifts on compliance obligations and potential commercial benefits

  • Examining the tax implications for fund managers and investors

  • Structuring strategies to engage overseas investors and partnering with global fund managers

  • Business transitions for domestic GPs/fund managers targeting global market

Speakers 講演者:
Yucheng Fan, Harneys 范 宇晟氏 (Harneys
Akemi Kito, PwC 鬼頭朱実氏(PwC税理士法人)
Satokazu Tanaka, PwC 田中里和氏(PwCチャイナホールディングス - 香港事務所)
Eriko Sakata, White & Case LLP 坂田 絵里子弁護士 (ホワイト&ケース法律事務所)

Moderator モデレーター:
Shinobu Miyata, Langham Hall 宮田 忍氏 (ランガムホール)

15.50 – 16.30

Panel  パネルディスカッション:
Fund Raising Challenges and the Impact of Onshore and Offshore Limited Partners (LPs)


  • Navigating the challenges of fundraising in both onshore and offshore markets

  • Exploring the synergy between Limited Partners (LPs) and General Partners (GPs) in aligning investment mandates

  • The democratization of private asset investment in Japan

  • Alignment of international and domestic markets

Speakers 講演者:
Reijiro Samura, Alternative Investment Capital 佐村礼二郎氏 (エー・アイ・キャピタル株式会社)
Kallan Resnick, PJT Park Hill カランレズニック氏 (PJT Park Hill)
Takeshi Shimizu, The Investment Trust Association, Japan 清水毅氏 (一般社団法人 投資信託協会) 

Moderator モデレーター:
Sayako Shiraki, White & Case 白木さや子弁護士 (ホワイト&ケース法律事務所)

16.30– 16.45

Q&A Session

16.45 – 17.30

Networking Drinks


Register お申し込み


Speakers 講演者:

James Lo ジェームズロー
Executive Director, Institutional Treasury Management, Institutional Banking Group, DBS Bank (Hong Kong)
DBS銀行 (香港)

Mr. James Lo joined DBS in 2011. He heads up Institutional Treasury Management within the Institutional Banking Group at DBS Bank, Hong Kong Branch. James is a seasoned banker with over a decade of experience in the PEVC & hedge fund space. He has developed a reputation as a go-to banker in the offshore private fund market in Greater China and North Asia. He and his teams also focus on Fintech and China New Economy business. James Lo accomplished an MBA at the University of New South Wales (Australia) and holds a Master’s degree in International Business as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting & Marketing, both from the University of New South Wales (Australia).


Eriko Sakata 坂田絵里子弁護士
Partner, White & Case LLP
ホワイト&ケース法律事務所 パートナー

Eriko Sakata is an investment funds and real estate partner in our global Mergers & Acquisitions practice based in Tokyo. Eriko has over 20 years' experience advising global asset managers and blue-chip corporations on the establishment and maintenance of investment funds and co-investment vehicles that invest across a range of asset classes and strategies, including real estate, private equities, renewable energy, technology, infrastructure and finance, among others. She also specializes in real estate and structured finance and is experienced across a broad range of regulatory advisory work, including the contentious regulatory space.
東京オフィスに所属するグローバルM&Aプラクティスグループの投資ファンドおよび不動産担当のパートナーです。不動産、プライベートエクイティ、再生可能エネルギー、テクノロジー、インフラ、ファイナンスなど、さまざまな資産クラスや戦略に投資するファンド及び共同投資ビークルの設立・維持に関して、20年以上にわたりグローバルな資産運用会社や優良企業に助言を提供してきました。また、不動産及びストラクチャードファイナンスを専門とし、 係争関連規制分野を含む幅広い規制アドバイザリー業務も携わってきました

Shinobu Miyata 宮田 忍氏
Head of Japan, Langham Hall

Shinobu Miyata is Head of Japan and co-founded the Tokyo Office of Langham Hall in 2024. Prior to Langham Hall, Mr. Miyata spent 7 years as COO of a secondary strategy GP, leading fund formation and management in both Cayman Islands and Japan, as well as secondary transactions including several GP-Led secondaries. Mr. Miyata also established the Japan office of a global fund administrator in 2007 and led the business successfully for 7 years.

Tomoko Oyama 大山 智子氏
Deputy Secretary General and Chief Spokesperson,

Tomoko Oyama joined the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) in 2009, where she was involved in municipal finance and administration. 
She was later seconded to the Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology (AIIT), where she contributed to recurrent education programs designed to help working professionals acquire advanced skills in business, IT, and design.  
She played a key role in organizing Rugby World Cup 2019 and the Tokyo 2020 Games. Most recently, she was responsible for planning and managing the SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 Showcase Program, held from late April to May 2024.  
As of July 2024, she serve as the Deputy Secretary General and Chief Spokesperson of (FCT). 


ラグビーワールドカップ2019東京大会や東京2020大会などの大規模イベントに携わり、直近では、2024年4月末から5月にかけて開催されたSusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 Showcase Programの企画および運営を担当。 


Azusa Owa 大和 梓氏 
Partner, Bain & Company
Azusa Owa is a partner in Bain & Company's Tokyo office. She has extensive consulting experience across a range of industries and business topics in Japan, the United States and Australia. 
Azusa leads due diligence projects for financial investors as well as value creation work for their portfolio companies.  She also leads Bain Tokyo Social Impact team. 
Azusa graduated with a master's degree in international education policy from Harvard University and a bachelor's degree in education from International Christian University. 
She earned her MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, double majoring to earn a master of international studies (in Mandarin Chinese) from the university's Lauder Institute. 
ベイン・アンド・カンパニー東京オフィス パートナー



国際基督教大学教養学部卒業、ハーバード大学大学院修士課程修了後、ベインに入社。 ペンシルバニア大学ウォートンスクールにて経営学修士課程(MBA)、同大学ローダーインスティチュートにて国際学・中国語専攻修士課程を修了。

Jim Verbeeten ジム・ヴェルべーテン氏
Partner, Bain & Company

Jim Verbeeten is a partner in Bain & Company's Tokyo office and Head of Bain Japan’s Financial Investor practice. He has more than 20 years of management consulting experience, and has worked with investors in Japan for the last 15 years.
Jim advises private equity clients and other financial investors on commercial due diligence assignments in a variety of industries, and has supported clients with fund strategy and performance improvement of their portfolio companies.
Jim first joined Bain's Amsterdam office in 1999 and has worked in Europe, North America and Asia. He has been based out of the Tokyo office since 2007.
He obtained his MBA at Harvard Business School. He also studied at the University of Twente, where he obtained a Master's degree in Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society as well as a cum laude Master's degree in Chemical Engineering.




ハーバード大学経営大学院修士課程(MBA)修了。トウェンテ大学では修士課程(Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society)修了したほか、化学工学修士課程を優秀成績(cum laude)で修了。

Mao Muraguchi 邑口真央弁護士
Associate, White & Case LLP
ホワイト&ケース法律事務所 アソシエイト

Mao Muraguchi is an associate in White & Case's global Mergers & Acquisitions practice based in Tokyo. His practice focuses on investment funds, real estate and regulatory matters. Mao has experience in private equity, venture capital, infrastructure, debt and real estate funds, assisting with both transactional and advisory matters for a broad range of international and Japanese clients. He regularly advises sovereign wealth funds, large pension funds and institutional investors on their investment activity globally and has advised extensively on Japanese financial regulations matters. 



Sayako Shiraki 白木さや子弁護士
Local Partner, White & Case LLP
ホワイト&ケース法律事務所 ローカルパートナー

Sayako Shiraki is a local partner in White & Case's global Mergers & Acquisitions Practice based in Tokyo. She regularly advises fund managers, fund service providers, investors and financial institutions on cross-border fund structuring, fund management and related operational matters, real estate investments and divestments, financing, as well as various regulatory matters. Sayako actively advises various clients on sustainable finance-related legal issues, advising on EU sustainable finance-related regulations and compliance matters, including SFDR and the Taxonomy Regulation.
東京オフィスに所属する、グローバルM&Aプラクティスグループの投資 ファンドおよび不動産担当の ローカルパートナー です。ファンドマネージャー、投資家、ファンドのサービスプロバイダー、金融機関等に対し、クロスボーダーのファンド組成及び運用、不動産投資のストラクチャリングや物件の売買及び不動産ファイナンスの他、金融規制についても助言を行っています。また、サステナブル・ファイナンス分野における法的問題に取り組み、欧州サステナブルファイナンス開示規則(SFDR)やタクソノミー規則を含む欧州の関連規制についても、助言を行っています。


Yucheng Fan 范 宇晟氏
Partner | Hong Kong, Harneys
Harneys (香港) パートナー 

Yucheng Fan is a partner in our Investment Funds group based in our Hong Kong office. He specialises in British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands fund matters, advising on the structure, formation, launch, and maintenance of all types of funds, including private equity funds, venture capital funds, hedge funds, and fund of funds utilizing corporate (stand-alone and SPC), partnership as well unit trust structures. 
Yucheng also covers transactions related to Web 3.0 space (digital assets, cryptocurrencies and blockchain), representing fund managers, investors and start-ups, including how offshore BVI and Cayman entities play a role when funds and fintech start-ups raise funds via methods such as Crypto funds, Web 3.0 funds, decentralised finance (DeFi), decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO) and simple agreement for future tokens (SAFT). 

Akemi Kito 鬼頭 朱実氏
Managing Director​, PwC Tax Japan 

Akemi specializes in tax consulting for financial institutions/real estate companies, supporting her clients with the development of various investment funds and financial products. She has 30 years of experience as advisor dedicated to serving fund managers (traditional, alternative, real estate, venture capital and private equity) and investors (multinational companies, pension funds), advising on both inbound and outbound strategies for tax effective market entry, distribution arrangements and investment structuring. 
PwC入所以来、金融、特に投資運用業の税務を専門とし、J-REITを含む不動産投資ファンド、プライベートエクイィティ、ベンチャ―投資ファンドやヘッジファンド、流動化スキームをはじめとする金融取引・不動産取引に関する税務コンサルティングに約30年にわたり従事。 J-REITやプライベートエクイティ投資の創生期からファンド立上の税務アドバイスを行っており、インバウンド・アウトバウンド双方のクロスボーダー案件のアドバイス経験を豊富に有している。海外年金や海外ファンドによる日本の金融資産や不動産投資案件に係るアドバイスの他、日本の年金や法人投資家による海外ファンド投資や日本の投資家を対象とする海外投資ファンド組成に係る案件に多数関与。また、官公庁やファンド業界団体の税制改正等に関する検討会メンバーを数多く務めるとともに、官公庁の各種調査業務を担当してきた。 

Satokazu Tanaka 田中 里和氏
Associate Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers China Holdings Limited – Hong Kong Office 
PwCチャイナホールディングス - 香港事務所アソシエイトディレクター

After working as a certifield public accountant in Japan in auditing, financial DD and valuations in M&A, he joined PwC's Hong Kong office in 2010. He is mainly engaged in liaison and sales of services for Japanese clients.


Reijiro Samura 佐村 礼二郎氏
Chief Executive Officer, Alternative Investment Capital

Mr. Reijiro Samura serves as the President and CEO at Alternative Investment Capital Limited, since April, 2017. He served as the Chief Investment Officer at the firm since November 2016. Prior to that, he served as the Director at Mizuho Global Alternative Investments from 2013 through 2016. Also he served as the Managing Partner and Head of Secondary Investment Group at Tokyo based private equity firm, Ant Capital Partners Co., Ltd. From 2005 through 2013.  Previously, he was the Head of Alternative Investments at the Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation beginning in 1990His previous experiences also included corporate finance, aircraft finance, and import finance at the Export-Import Bank of Japan. He holds a B.S. in Economics from the Osaka University in Japan. 
1990年大阪大学卒業。三菱信託銀行株式会社(現三菱UFJ信託銀行株式会社)に入社後、大阪支店、日本輸出入銀行(現株式会社国際協力銀行)への出向を経て、国際営業開発部にて航空機ファイナンス業務に従事。2001年WestLB Asset Management (USA)に派遣後、同行クレジット投資部オルタナティブ投資グループのグループマネージャーとしてプライベート・エクイティを含むオルタナティブ投資を担当。2005年日興アントファクトリー株式会社(現アント・キャピタル・パートナーズ株式会社)に入社し、執行役員兼セカンダリー投資グループのマネージング・パートナーを務める。2013年みずほグローバルオルタナティブインベストメンツ株式会社に入社し、プライベート・インベストメンツ運用部門の立ち上げを行い、同社取締役調査・運用部門長を務める。2016年エー・アイ・キャピタル株式会社に入社し、執行役員副社長チーフ・インベスト・オフィサーを経て、2017年4月同社代表取締役社長に就任。  


Kallan Resnick カランレズニック
Partner, PJT Park Hills

Kallan Resnick is a Partner in PJT Park Hill’s private equity and real estate distribution team and is based in Tokyo.

Prior to joining Park Hill in 2007, Mr. Resnick was a portfolio manager in the Asset Backed Investments team at Shinsei Bank. Previously, he was with the Private Equity Funds Group at UBS Investment Bank, where he was responsible for Asia Pacific fund raising. Mr. Resnick started his career with Goldman Sachs in Japanese equities sales.

Mr. Resnick holds a BA (Honors) in Political Science from the University of Pennsylvania and an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.


Takeshi Shimizu 清水 毅
Advisor, The Investment Trust Association, Japan
一般社団法人 投資信託協会 アドバイザー
Takeshi Shimizu, had been Asset & Wealth Management Industry Leader, of PwC Japan,  has 35 years experience in an assurance and advisory service to clients in asset and wealth management industry. 
He provided various advise  to global and Japanese asset and wealth institutions such as finance and  accounting, risk management, compliance and strategy. He provided advice to Japan Private Equity Association in relation to the industry wide performance report.
He had been a member of “Asset Management Working Group” sponsored by Japan Security Dealer’s Association and Japan Investment Trust Association. He also chaired the global regulation committee of Japan Investment Trust Association. He had been a member of the Investment Fund Committee of Financial Service Council, organized by Financial Services Agency. He authored the book, “Accounting  investment funds”  and other AWM related books and papers.





証券業協会・投信協会 資産運用ワーキンググループ・委員




ITM Tokyo event - 3 Oct 2024

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Event Registration イベント登録

*Required Fields 必須項目

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This event is organised by DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited, Langham Hall and White & Case LLP (collectively, the “Joint Organisers”). By accepting this invitation / registering this event, you acknowledge and agree that your personal data/information will be collected and used by DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited, its subsidiaries or affiliates and/or the Joint Organisers and their event partners for the purpose of processing your registration, facilitating confirmation of attendance, sending Thank You Email and providing information in relation to this event. By attending this event, you also accept that all keynotes sessions will be recorded, grant to the Joint Organisers the rights to film and photograph you and record your voice in the event venues and agree that the Joint Organisers may use and disclose such images / videos / voice in the Joint Organisers’ marketing materials in accordance with the Data Policy Notice of DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (available at, the Data Policy Notice of Lanham Hall (available at and the Data Policy Notice of White & Case LLP (available at 

本イベントは、DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited、ランガムホールおよびホワイト&ケース法律事務所(以下「共同主催者」といいます)が主催いたします。各位におかれましては、本招待状を受諾し、本イベントにご登録いただくことにより、DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limitedおよびその子会社・関連会社ならびに共同主催者およびそのイベント・パートナーが、登録処理、出席確認、御礼メールの送信および本イベント関連情報の提供のために、各位の個人データ・個人情報を収集・使用することにご同意いただいたものとみなします。また、各位におかれましては、本イベントにご参加いただくことにより、すべての基調講演セッションを録画すること、共同主催者がイベント会場において各位の映像・写真撮影および音声録音を行うこと、ならびに、DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limitedのデータポリシー(、ランガムホールのデータポリシー(およびホワイト&ケース法律事務所業のデータポリシー(に従い、共同主催者がそのマーケティング資料においてこれらの映像・写真・音声を使用・開示することにご同意いただいたものとみなします。

Disclaimer: This information provided at the events is for the sole purpose of providing information and is not intended as an offer or solicitation for any specific products and/or services.