
DBS MAX Merchant Solutions

Your quick and seamless all-in-one collection solution for merchants

DBS MAX Merchant Solutions

Your quick and seamless all-in-one collection solution for merchants


Please note that the card & wallet (non-Faster Payment System) Merchant Acquiring Services solution is not provided by DBS Bank Hong Kong Limited (“DBS”) and that DBS acts solely as the referral partner. The Acquiring Partner will provide advice and information and arrange services / products directly for your company. This presentation/material/promotion has been prepared by DBS solely for general information purposes. In furnishing this presentation/material/promotion, DBS reserves the right to amend or replace the presentation/material/promotion at any time and undertakes no obligation to provide the recipient with access to any additional information. Although DBS may provide additional information to the recipient, DBS shall not be obligated to update or correct the information set forth in the presentation/material/promotion or to provide, update or correct any additional information. 

This presentation/material/promotion does not purport to contain all the information that such interested parties may require or request. In all cases, interested parties should conduct their own investigation and analysis. DBS has not independently verified any of the information set forth herein and does not undertake any obligation to do so. None of DBS or any of its related corporations (as defined in the Companies Act, Chapter 50 of Singapore) or any of their respective directors, officers, employees, advisers, representatives or agents (the “DBS Group”) makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the fairness, accuracy, reasonableness, validity, sufficiency or completeness of this presentation/material/promotion or the information contained herein and none of such parties shall have any liability for the information contained in, or any omissions from, this presentation/material/promotion, nor for any of the written, electronic or oral communications transmitted to the recipient in connection herewith.

Distribution of this presentation/material/promotion in or from certain jurisdictions may be restricted or prohibited by law. Recipients are required to inform themselves of, and comply with, all such restrictions or prohibitions and none of the members of the DBS Group accepts liability to any person in relation thereto.

The recipient agrees not to disclose the contents of this presentation/material/promotion to the public or any third party without prior consent from DBS. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, this presentation/material/promotion shall remain the property of DBS, and shall be treated as confidential. The recipient of this document agrees not to divulge or discuss the contents of this document to or with any third party without prior written consent from DBS.

By the receipt of this presentation/material/promotion, each recipient acknowledges and represents to the DBS Group that the recipient has read, understood, and accepted the terms of this disclaimer and agrees to be bound by the foregoing.

DBS Group can partner with third party suppliers and/or providers of services that may or may not aid in the delivery of the ultimate service to the end customers. DBS could act as a referral partner for other third-party companies and institutions that aid in product development and ultimately business opportunities. DBS shall not be responsible for any malfunction, data loss, security breach or any other form of loss to the end customer of the service where DBS acts only as a referral partner, regardless of any kind of revenue sharing or other potential revenue generating partnerships between DBS Group and a third party. DBS may receive customer data from the third party to ensure that the product servicing on behalf of DBS is assured and uninterrupted as with any other offering (digital or not), provided by the bank. Data may be kept in the third party’s custody and the third party shall be responsible for its maintenance, safekeeping and sharing. As referral partner, DBS Group only collects data to enable it to be shown across DBS platforms. DBS shall not be liable for any act, omission, neglect, default or any direct, special, indirect, consequential, incidental damages or any other loss or damages of any kind arising from any use of any systems, services or products provided by any third party.