
Offset your spending at any merchants around the globe with DBS$ or COMPASS Dollar with just a few taps!

What is InstaRedeem?

You can use InstaRedeem to deduct the partial or full amount from a transaction using DBS$ / COMPASS Dollar (depends on card type), the deduct ratio is DBS$1/ $1 COMPASS Dollar = $1 HKD.

How to use InstaRedeem?

Redeem DBS$ / Compass Dollar at any merchants round the globe by just one tap on your Timeline. For detailed instruction, please click here.


If you wish to deduct the amount of a transaction by using InstaRedeem, you have to click the button of InstaRedeem within 30 days or before statement date (whenever earlier) from the spending date.

Once we receive the request of InstaRedeem, we will deduct the full amount of DBS$ / COMPASS Dollar (depends on card type) which you owns, and credit back the same amount of cash into your credit card account to hedge the transaction balance.

If the DBS$ / COMPASS Dollar (depends on card type) is not enough to deduct the full amount of transaction, the Bank will only deduct the amount which is equal to the amount of DBS$ / COMPASS Dollar (depends on card type), and the remaining amount will be shown in the monthly bill payment.

My credit card transaction is HK$100.88, and i have DBS$2000 or $2000 COMPASS Dollar After I apply InstaRedeem, I found that only $100 is deducted, why?

InstaRedeem can only deduct the integer value of credit card transaction, and decimal value will not be deducted.

My credit card transaction is HK$1000, and I have DBS$2000 or $2000 COMPASS Dollar may I deduct partial amount?

InstaRedeem can only deduct the full amount of transaction or reward points value (whichever is lower).

To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay !

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