What is DBS Card+?

DBS Card+ is a brand new card companion digital platform, available for access via mobile application and website, With its brand new features, DBS cardholders can manage and access their daily cards related transaction at a glance.

Is there any service fee for Card+ App?

The application is free of charge.

However, your mobile network operator any charge you a mobile data usage fee for accessing the services provided by the application. For details, please refer to your mobile network operator.

How can I download DBS Card+ App?

DBS Card+ Mobile App can be downloaded from APP store or Play Store by searching for “DBS Card+”.

What Apple devices and Android phones can support Card+ App?

iOS 14.0 or above

Android 9.0 or above

Where can I go for information about DBS's policies regarding privacy and personal data?

Please click here to read our Data Policy Notice.

To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay !

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