DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited, 11/F The Center 99 Queen's Road Central, 22908888, enquiry.hk@dbs.com
星展銀行(香港)有限公司, 皇后大道中99號中環中心11樓, 22908888, enquiry.hk@dbs.com
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Our bank has strict security standards and procedures to ensure unauthorised access to customer information is prevented. We will never ask our customers to provide or validate their personal and/or account related information (e.g. ID number, passwords or account number) by e-mails or through any hyperlinks embedded in such e-mails. You are advised only to contact us through our official web-site domain address and not to use any such e-mails or hyperlinks. Please report immediately to us on 2290 8888 if you receive any such e-mail. For details, please visit . |