Complaint / Feedback / Enquiry

We welcome feedback from customers, whether positive or negative. This may be done by contacting:

Customer Feedback Management / Complaints Hotline

DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
G.P.O. Box 400, Hong Kong

Tel: 852-2961 2377 (Mon to Fri 9:00am – 6:00pm. Sat 9:00am – 1:00pm)
Fax: 852-2328 1470
E-mail: [email protected]

Contact us online  Submit a compliment

At DBS, we are committed to providing the best experience for our customers, including prompt handling of complaints. We will conduct an investigation as soon as we receive it and will provide our acknowledgement within 7 calendar days. Our aim is to provide a response to you within 30 calendar days. In case we need more time to look into the issues, we will update you with an indicative timeframe for our final response (normally not exceeding 60 calendar days). We will take appropriate follow-up action after reviewing your complaint, and will revisit your complaint if you provide further information.