Streaming FAQ

What is “Streaming Quote”?

We offer real-time streaming service for Hong Kong, Singapore and U.S. markets.

To enjoy the U.S. Real-time streaming service*, you are required to accept the Market Data Agreement as required by NYSE. You may login to DBS Online Equity Trading Platform and access to More section for the submission.

To enjoy the Hong Kong and Singapore Real-time streaming service, you will need to subscribe to the service for respective markets and a monthly charge will be applied. For more information, please contact your Relationship Manager or visit any of our branches.

*Except for U.S. OTC stocks which are delayed by 15 minutes.

Are all fields supported by streaming quotes?

All data fields within “Watchlist”, “Top 20” and “Trade Overview” pages are enabled with the streaming functionality. All data movements are highlighted with yellow flashes.

How do I Activate/Deactivate streaming quotes?

The streaming-enabled pages such as “Watchlist”, “Top 20” and “Trade Overview” have the streaming function built in. A "Stream Prices" button on the top right corner of these pages will be displayed if you have subscribed streaming quote service for any market. You may click to activate the service and the data fields on the page will automatically refresh as updated data is served from the system.

Is streaming quote service available all the time?

Streaming quote service on DBS Online Trading Platform is available during market hours.

Why do some of the stocks under “Watchlist” and “Trade Overview” pages disappeared after I enabled the streaming price function?

Only the stocks in the market which subscribed with streaming quote service will be displayed after streaming prices function is enabled on the page. For those stocks in the market which streaming quote service has not been subscribed, the stocks will be hidden.