Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect / Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connet FAQ

Where can I trade Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect / Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect?

To place order for Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect / Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect securities, for DBS Private Banking Clients and DBS Treasures Private Clients, you may place orders via your Relationship Manager; for DBS Treasures, please call our DBS Treasures Securities Service Hotline at (852) 2290 8033.

Is the settlement arrangement for Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect / Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect different from existing trading stocks in HKEx??

Yes. Under Shanghai Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen Hong Kong Stock Connect, the stock settlement date (T+0) and the cash settlement date (T+1) do not fall on the same day. For details, please refer to .

Please take note that for purchase/sell of any stock designated for Shanghai Hong Kong Stock Connect (the "SHKSC Stock") or   Shenzhen Hong Kong Stock Connect (the “SZHKSC Stock”) through Wealth Management Investment Portfolio, each of the stock settlement date and the cash settlement date is the trade date immediately succeeding the trade date on which the order is executed (i.e. T+1), unless and until we notify you otherwise in writing.