Important tips for creating your username:
- Should be 8-12 characters, in combination of letters and numbers.
- Special characters or space will not be accepted.
- Should not use the password which is used for other internet sites or other purposes.
- Do not choose an easily identifiable username such as your name, initials, identification number, birth date, etc. For example, “jasonwong” as a username may be easily identifiable as compared to “jason603jwcy” which is unique and more difficult for anyone to guess.
- The username is not allowed to be changed once the registration process is completed.
- Do not use any username that you use for other internet sites or other purposes.
Important tips for creating your password:
- Should be 8-30 characters, in combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters and numbers.
- Special characters or space will not be accepted.
- Should not use the password or username which is used for other internet sites or other purposes.
- Do not use obvious passwords, such as your date of birth, HKID number, phone number, name of child, recognisable part of your name or other numbers / letters that could be guessed or insecure.
- You can update the password through DBS iBanking after activating the service.
- Do not use any password that you use for other internet sites or other purposes.
- No staff of DBS Bank should ever ask you for your password for whatever reasons.
- Please change your password regularly for security reasons.
- Never store your password on computers, mobile phones nor place it in plain sight.
Mobile Number to receive SMS One-Time Password (OTP)
This is the mobile phone number you want to use to receive OTP. An OTP is a security feature in DBS iBanking/mBanking, a password sent by us to your registered mobile phone number via Short Message Service (SMS). An OTP is required when you perform designated transactions through DBS iBanking.
With the implementation of the Security Device, depending on the services you need, you are required to use your SMS OTP and/or the Secure Device to authenticate your transactions.
The SMS will not be forwarded to any other mobile phone number even if you have signed up for SMS forwarding with a Hong Kong telecommunication service provider.
Should you need to update the mobile number for receiving OTPs in the future, you may download "Change of Customer's Personal Data Instruction Form (For individual)" from our website, and return the completed form by mail, or visiting any of our branches.