The bar chart is divided into 3 categories:

Cash & Investments

Cards & Loans


Products to be included in “Cash & Investments”:

The “Cash & Investments” category represents the sum of the total available balance/net asset for the following products where applicable.
‘Cash & Investments’ bar
Category Label Account/Product type
Deposits Retail Products Portfolio
Investment Accounts Investment

Products to be included in “Cards & Loans”:

The “Cards & Loans” category represents the sum of the total outstanding balances for the following products where applicable.
‘Cards & Loans’ bar
Category Label Account/Product type
Credit Cards Credit Card
Cashline Cashline
Loans Loans exclude Mortgage

Products to be included as “Mortgage”:

The “Mortgage” category represents the sum of the total outstanding balance for the following products where applicable.
‘Mortgage’ bar
Category Label Account/Product type
Mortgage Mortgage